Rigging for Large Lakes
Use a standard salmon mooching leader. 15 to 40 lb test, two 1/0 to 3/0 hooks tied 1″ apart. Thread fly on leader and slide down over hooks. Use a snap swivel or tying the other end of leader to the tail end of flasher or dodger, using specified leader length. Run the flasher or dodger setup out 10-40 ft behind your downrigger ball. If you don’t have downriggers, use different sized crescent sinkers to take your offering to desired depth.
Measure from tail end of flasher or dodger to the nose of bucktail.
Dodger size 00
Dodger size 0
Flasher 8" mini Hotspot
Flasher 11" Salmon Slasher
Flasher 11" Fishcatcher
Flodger 8"
- Depths for fish vary from lake to lake; adjust your depths every 5-10 minutes starting from as high as 10 feet, all the way to the bottom. Most will be caught in the upper 150 feet of water.
- We also recommend using 6-8 drops of your favorite scent on our Bucktails in lakes. We like Smelly Jelly’s shrimp, herring, crawfish, anise, and bass feast. White Berkley Power Bait is also good. Roll a small 1/4 – 3/8 inch ball and attached to the hook shank.
- When using any scents or oils, wash out fly with 3 or 4 drops of liquid dish soap and water, then let dry, so it won’t be all gummed up for your next trip.

Dear Grand Slam Bucktails: I am just learning to troll for kings in Kodiak, Alaska. I saw your internet site and ordered four of your GSBs. I couldn’t wait to try it out so I went to the local store and bought one to test out. I rigged it up and followed your directions. About five minutes into our trolling we hooked into this 15 lb King. We were trolling at 65 ft with an 8″ orange Hotspot flasher, 28″ leader, using the White/Glow Herring GSB. I never thought I would be writing one of these testimonials, but here it is. This is the Honest Truth. I can’t wait to try out the other four GSBs that are still on the way. If you are waiting to get one, don’t. It only took me five minutes to realize this was a great purchase.
A 24 lb king I caught recently(8-8-03) on a Grand Slam Bucktail. It was in the Tulalip Bubble, down past 100ft, 30″ leader 30 lb. What an awesome lure, no mess, no stink, long lasting, very productive and efficient lure-well done!